
The Real Cost of a Bad Hire Explained

In this short video, Barbara Ashton talks about the real cost to a business when the wrong person is hired. ‘Cost of a Bad Hire’ is the introduction to a new series of short videos Ashton & Associates is rolling out to deepen discussion on issues of hiring and what we…

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How to Hire People Smarter Than You

As recruiters we’re in daily contact with a host of hiring decision-makers, from company owners to C-suite executives and mid-level managers. The single most pressing challenge is not just about finding qualified candidates. It’s always about hiring the right qualified candidates which encompasses the qualities of character, commitment and compatibility….

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The Value of Good Headhunters

If anyone tells you that being a good headhunter is easy, they’re either drunk, stoned, or just plain stupid.  I’ve been in the recruiting / headhunting business for over three decades. What an enormous blessing it is for me to be a part of so many people’s careers and business…

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