Doing the hiring yourself has it’s advantages, but may come with some very costly disadvantages that you as an employer may need to watch out for.
Employers and Job Seekers, 8 Powerful LinkedIn Ways to Attract Talent, Jobs and Business
LinkedIn builds Know, Like, Trust like no other. Your LinkedIn profile, done properly, tells others “I’m trustworthy and someone you want to hire, work for, and do business with ”. It’s been said a kazillion times — online relationships are built on transparency, on being, and showing the world, that we are who we say we are….
Recruiter Smoke and Fluff: 3 Signs That it’s Time to Look Elsewhere
Recruiters need to be swift to change, sharp on their feet, researching who’s who, and surfing employer hiring waves like a pro at next year’s Quiksilver. You can’t have a rapidly changing globalised economy and ever faster communications without an impact on employment and jobs, right? You would therefore expect the…
Specialist Skills for Online Recruiting
Even though technology will never replace recruitment, it is radically changing the process and the speed with which potential job candidates are being sourced. This is an inside look at a career in online recruiting and the specialized skills you will need to keep ahead of the competition. The recruiting industry will continue to become more and more…
The True Value of Using a Headhunter: Barbara Ashton Video
In this video, Barbara Ashton, talks about the value of using a headhunter and how clients benefit. She is a highly experienced and expert recruiter who leads Ashton & Associates Recruiting, . Ashton & Associates Recruiting… Helping You Hire Right. Every Time. Ashton & Associates Recruiting is constantly adding…
The Drive Behind Why I’m an Independent Recruiter
Executive Search Consultant Barbara Ashton looks back and faces some of the deep emotion and the drive as to why she is so dedicated to the business of being an independent recruiter today. Watch this short video and you will understand why Barbara is so passionate about recruiting…
Good News for BC Mining Jobs – Focus on Southern BC Interior
30 new BC mining projects Anticipated spending of $30billion Total of 16,000 mining jobs in BC May 1st’s annual * Mining Week luncheon was well-attended with the who’s who in mining, government and local business executives. Guest speaker, Karina Brino, President and CEO of the Mining Association of BC, was…
For Employers: Learn About the Values of Using a Headhunter
Executive Search Consultant Barbara Ashton discusses the very serious benefits gained by employers who use the services of headhunters and independent recruiters.
The Value of Good Headhunters
If anyone tells you that being a good headhunter is easy, they’re either drunk, stoned, or just plain stupid. I’ve been in the recruiting / headhunting business for over three decades. What an enormous blessing it is for me to be a part of so many people’s careers and business…
What do Headhunters Look For – Advice for Owners & Managers
As a business owner, whether you love us or hate us, I’ll bet you’ve wondered: what is it that headhunters look for when they’re choosing what companies they want to recruit for. Headhunters have something you don’t have. They have inside information from the job market. They have a pool…
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