Ask any successful business owner. Good people don’t leave jobs; they leave managers. Good people leave managers who: #1 Micro-manage them, #2 Exclude them from decision-making, disregarding suggestions and input, #3 Fail to acknowledge them or share credit for successes, #4 Are complacent about managing weak performers, #5 Don’t clearly…
Talent Management – A Popular Catch Phrase in Human Resources These Days, and With Good Cause
By Barbara Ashton reprinted from original EzineArticle As the economy brightens, top management is refocusing their attention on people — getting and keeping A-level talent on board to ensure their top place in the competitive marketplace. Sounds easy but any manager worth their salt knows that attracting and keeping great people…
Play Nice. Get Ahead Faster. 3 Easy Steps.
No matter your education, ability or accomplishments if you’re not skilled at playing well with others, all your hard work and drive will be for not. Here’s 3 common sense ways to help you to “play nice”. Verbal and non-verbal communications. Verbal or non-verbal sarcasm or talking down…
Keeping Your Best at Their Best (Why Money is NOT the Answer)
On money and motivation — my colleague Peter Reek at Smart Savvy put me onto this terrific animation narrated by best-selling author Daniel Pink. It’s a great reminder for us all… Barbara Ashton is the founder of Ashton & Associates Recruiting Inc., and is a…
Keeping Your Best at Their Best ( Why Money is NOT the Answer with all staff )
On Money & Motivation — my colleague Peter Reek at Smart Savvy put me onto this terrific animation narrated by best-selling author Daniel Pink The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Barbara Ashton is the President of Ashton & Associates and is a senior recruitment specialist with over 30 years…
How Do Others See You?
One of my favorite newsletters is Monday Morning Memo which is never not waiting faithfully in my inbox on yes, Monday morning. The latest by Roy Williams is about communicating with customers using the unique ability to see things (your business) from the outside looking in. Some things to think…
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