Assessments are Key to Right Fit Hiring and Team Building

Pre-hire or post-hire, assessments are an ideal tool for identifying high-potential employees for your company. Assessments help you to eliminate the ‘hiring of friends and relatives’ or even just hiring people because you like them. Assessments can be used to measure a great many things – from personality types (DISC, TrueColors, MBTI, etc)…

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The Value of Good Headhunters

If anyone tells you that being a good headhunter is easy, they’re either drunk, stoned, or just plain stupid.  I’ve been in the recruiting / headhunting business for over three decades. What an enormous blessing it is for me to be a part of so many people’s careers and business…

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Winning the War for Talent

When I talk to companies in the BC Interior about their business plans, strategies and goals, they put an enormous emphasis on hiring people with the right experience. They’re engaged head on in “Winning the War for Talent”. Recent conversations with my clients about their War for Talent typically look…

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