Barbara Ashton talks about the two types of hires that are most commonly associated with hiring from your competitors. One is the Trophy hire and the other is the Bluebird hire. Ashton & Associates are specialists at identifying right fit candidates on the basis of values alignment, ambition and drive, skills,…
Feeling Bullied at Work? You May be Working With A Sociopath.
If you think you are seeing evil in your workplace, you might be closer to the truth than you think. According to Dr Martha Stout, Harvard psychologist and author of the book The Sociopath Next Door), around 4% of the world’s population is a sociopath. That means about 1 in…
How to Ace Your Next Online Interview – A Quick Reference Guide
With the rapid growth of video conferencing tools, the popularity of online interviews among recruiters and hiring managers is booming. Whether you’re new to Skype (or whatever tool you use) or a seasoned pro, this quick reference guide will ensure that your interview goes off as planned and puts you…
VIDEO: On Doing the Hiring Yourself
Doing the hiring yourself has it’s advantages, but may come with some very costly disadvantages that you as an employer may need to watch out for.
Employers and Job Seekers, 8 Powerful LinkedIn Ways to Attract Talent, Jobs and Business
LinkedIn builds Know, Like, Trust like no other. Your LinkedIn profile, done properly, tells others “I’m trustworthy and someone you want to hire, work for, and do business with ”. It’s been said a kazillion times — online relationships are built on transparency, on being, and showing the world, that we are who we say we are….
LIFE LESSONS OF A HEADHUNTER: The 3 Irrefutable Laws of Trusting Relationships
Our greatest good in life can only be realized when we are in trusting relationships. I recently had an acquaintance respond to a favour I had asked of him about a month ago. He’s a brilliant business man who I have watched and respect very much for his razor sharp mind, and…
Recruiter Smoke and Fluff: 3 Signs That it’s Time to Look Elsewhere
Recruiters need to be swift to change, sharp on their feet, researching who’s who, and surfing employer hiring waves like a pro at next year’s Quiksilver. You can’t have a rapidly changing globalised economy and ever faster communications without an impact on employment and jobs, right? You would therefore expect the…
15 Ways to Boost Your Job Search, Write a Better Resume & Get Hired
Job searching is heart wrenching and sometimes a long haul. It’s a full-time effort when it comes to landing your dream job. However, there are ways to make it less painful. Here are some real world tips that you can employ to kick your job search into high gear.
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